Join us on the discord! Anyone can join the discord to observe the ATM Beta Program, only the selected participants will be able to test the ATM Platform during the Beta. Did you make the list? Check it below!
There will be four phases. Phase 1 will include 20 testers, Phase 2 will add 40, Phase 3 will add 60 and the final phase will add the remaining selected participants.
Doesn't matter if you are just starting your crypto journey or a seasoned trader. We offer preset strategies and the option to set your own manual strategy by choosing what parameters you will used for success.
Convenience is the name of the game and we all know you have to be able to monitor, maintain and manage on the fly. ATM will be formatted for both all desktop and mobile devices.
Phase 1
1. Supercallerboi
3. ciderkev
4. Salvoking365
6. basebullish.eth
7. Joner31
8. pittyMIA
9. waterboydoteth
10. blockpal
11. Krogfelt
12. Wolfdrummer
13. ciderkev
14. bebraobema
15. caocaowei
16. the_drea_m_er
17. sized_in
18. ApeLord
19. OldManAugustine
20. RoziesJam
Phase 2
1. Therealsigma100x
2. WW11223344556
3. Lukieliquidity
4. NickBlackmore
5. Max_mindd
6. mmmmdddddddddd
7. StevieSolana
8. CG_Culver
9. Bridip
10. Archetype0x
11. Inquisitor_General
12. ayoodannyy
13. Markykuun
14. domeATH
15. ayamhitam25
16. jbcrypto1018
17. bzu11
18. WolfChang
19. Bandoleo12
20. ReignofMars
21. gvq_xx
22. Hunterr25
23. grandmememaster
24. dia_syn
25. Tweetfreq
26. TeJayP
27. 4D
28. Jordanjimmykane
29. mistikvx
30. SDFRL0
31. mistmak3r
32. drich26_onX
33. Datha9
34. VVittorioo
35. SBMkee
36. gimesip
37. crypto_raiden
38. Ludovic2612
39. Zulhayir
40. Chemtrails84
Phase 3
1. crib544
2. Ligament12
3. jacobz35
4. spaceman_1950
5. berhoud
6. HopieFins
7. Boogie266
8. FL_Crypt
9. JSpire
11. better007
12. berent2212
13. BakedGuff
14. Tashideroe
15. Landino
16. vinkov
17. roxen90
18. ciderkev
19. jackiejacjac
21. Michael Di Bona
22. pasqualeirene99
23. ShadowsDaddy
24. Squirrelzz
25. Krogfelt
26. kl1mpton
27. Cuervofrog
28. the_drea_m_er
29. Steve Brigham
30. grandmememaster
31. Firephly
32. Firephlytrisktrade
33. markedvbs
34. ND
35. corey023
36. trevsmith719
37. Bob Roberts
38. Better_call_solana
39. Joevak
40. WW11223344556
41. Zedge
42. WiredDifferently93
43. Bombus_digital
44. happyclapk
45. cjlad
47. Bombus_digital
48. MansaMusa24
49. Salvoking365
50. liftingshit
51. allthatentrails
52. cryptoszabi
53. thevsn
54. SlothNamedGoot
55. PittyMIa
56. atrilep
57. memecoin_DEGENERATE
58. kelloggzz1
59. atrilep
60. kvin_83
Phase 4
1. charlie6002
2. Darkpredator20
3. zombeekilla
4. mmmmdddddddddd
5. pkelly27
6. Prabhanjan3679
7. MalikRashid7
8. Sean Dennis
9. doneath
10. imnotsnoopdogg
11. masashiokubo
12. Inexorability
13. Delrado
14. mistikvx
15. Lexi 77
16. cryptojormat
17. thedarkmatterg
18. Supercallerboi
19. Merkkkkkk
20. OGBrooklyn
21. Troski43
22. Scottsrf
23. Memeageddon123
24. No_Fly_Zone1
25. Legacy 7 Crypto
26. kcsing
27. miglas432
28. Excel_Crypto11
29. FeelinFroggy1
30. Supaipa
31. bobbyTele
32. Carlytos_Sigma
33. tradertom1878
34. HardtAndSol
35. Joevak
36. joshBLuna
37. Mars_Mattz
38. MalikRashid7
39. p1zotast1co
40. farmerfran1
41. user85389
42. Beaker0727
43. Mars4x4
44. SpeteP
45. nLaFlare
46. nicksouthey
47. x_a_taleb_x
48. Eli Niggles
49. MarkyKuun
50. Jaime
51. skoeo
52. berent2212
53. fasck123
54. alebermejo
55. PuzzlingCoder
56. p1zotast1co
57. Mido42442
58. FattMattress
59. playaandwin
60. roxen90
61. ScatterShell
62. Ryanwiancko
63. Geo88888
64. cruzohype
65. Road2Riches901
66. Slickmeta
68. Gmacworx
69. smike45
70. liftingshit
71. Felepae
72. Beaker0727
73. blamsbasino
74. skamo_lnjh
75. Aysar1234
76. staffpre
77. jpollyfinsin
78. jpollyfinsin
79. Havasu12
80. Mhendgosin
81. prabhanjan10
82. 0xethos
83. berhoud
84. sullydidit
85. berent2212
86. kcsing
87. andrewdiako
Imagine having a super strong lock with billions and billions of possible keys. It keeps your data safe and sound from hackers.
Realtime monitoring is used to make sure the system is always ahead of any
ATM is fully decentralized. The wallet you fund is your wallet, you receive the keys when you open your ATM. Nobody has access to that wallet