Flexible Hours - Dark X Webflow Template

Four Phase Testing

There will be four phases. Phase 1 will include 20 testers, Phase 2 will add 40, Phase 3 will add 60 and the final phase will add the remaining selected participants.

No Commission - Dark X Webflow Template

Discord will be the home of ATM Beta.

Doesn't matter if you are just starting your crypto journey or a seasoned trader. We offer preset strategies and the option to set your own manual strategy by choosing what parameters you will used for success.

Desktop And Mobile - Dark X Webflow Template

Desktop and Mobile for Beta

Convenience is the name of the game and we all know you have to be able to monitor, maintain and manage on the fly. ATM will be formatted for both all desktop and mobile devices.

Encryption - Dark X Webflow Template

256-bit AES encryption

Imagine having a super strong lock with billions and billions of possible keys. It keeps your data safe and sound from hackers.

Security - Dark X Webflow Template

Advanced security standards

Realtime monitoring is used to make sure the system is always ahead of any

Authentication - Dark X Webflow Template


ATM is fully decentralized. The wallet you fund is your wallet, you receive the keys when you open your ATM. Nobody has access to that wallet